Frequently Asked Questions
No, only registered businesses can shop with Consilimo.
We offer free shipping on all orders over GBP 1,000 in England.
The goods will be shipped with Postnord to the delivery address you provided.
The goods are normally shipped from our warehouse the following business day. Shipping time depends on your location, but a general estimate is about 1-2 business days for central areas in Southern and Mid-Norway, and 1-5 business days for the rest of the country. Outside of Scandinavia, longer delivery times should be expected.
The shipment can be tracked on Postnord's website. You will find the tracking number on the invoice, which we send to you when the goods are shipped from the warehouse. See
Yes, you can pick up the goods at our warehouse, but this must be arranged with us in advance so that the goods are not shipped in the usual way when you place the order. Contact us to make an arrangement. The goods can be picked up at our warehouse at Kortbølgen 4, 1630 Gamle Fredrikstad.
The invoice is sent when the goods leave our warehouse. If you have received the invoice, it means the goods are on their way and will be delivered within a few days.
Returns and Complaints
Click the button below and fill out the form on the next page for returns and complaints.
Please contact us as soon as possible. Fill out the return and complaint form, and provide details about the damaged item. We will assist you with the return or replacement process.
Please contact us immediately. Fill out the return and complaint form and provide details about the incorrect items. We will assist you with the return and ensure you receive the correct items.
Due to the production method, the delivered quantity may vary from the ordered quantity by up to +/- 25% when printing bags. We only invoice for the quantity that has actually been produced and delivered – you will not be invoiced for more than what you have received.
Contact us
Do you still have questions? Contact our customer service.
Phone: 22 80 11 10 – Opening hours: Monday–Friday 08:00–16:00
Phone: 054-187750 – Opening hours: Monday–Friday 08:00–16:00
Phone: 97 13 21 44 – Opening hours: Monday–Friday 08:00–16:00
Inquiries about Ambiente should be directed to our Norwegian customer service, phone +47 22 80 11 10
Find us here
Tevlingveien 23, 1081 Oslo
Consilimo/Serviteur office, as well as the Serviteur showroom.
Kortbølgen 4, 1630 Gamle Fredrikstad
Consilimo/Edelweiss office
Consilimo office, as well as showroom for Edelweiss, Serviteur, Gus, Holmen, Lauvring, Mr. Plant, and others.
Consilimo/Lauvring office, as well as showroom for Lauvring