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Resirkulert plast

Utekrukker i 100% naturlig sand og resirkulert plast. Vår krukkeserie Nova er miljøvennlig og har et tidløst utseende. De er laget av 100% naturlig og resirkulert materiale, hvorav 50 % er sand og 50 % er resirkulert plast. En unik bærekraftig blanding av materialer. Krukkene er igjen resirkulerbare!

Utekrukkene fremstilles ved at blandingen helles i former noe som gjør at hvert produkt har en unik overflate. Krukkene har et praktisk dreneringssystem som gir plantene gradvis tilførsel av vann i tørre perioder. De er frostsikre ved bruk av god og riktig drenering. Serien kommer i fire forskjellige farger.

Det er enkelt å flytte på og jobbe med krukkene, siden de veier lite.


  • 3 års UV garanti
  • Egnet for innendørs og utendørs bruk.
  • Produktet er lett i vekt. Enkelt å flytte og jobbe med.
  • Produktet er frostsikkert ved bruk av god drenering. Fyll med 1/3 dreneringskuler og resterende med plantejord. Legg duk mellom kuler og jord.
  • Produktet er miljøvennlig. Det er laget av resirkulert og naturlig materiale og er resirkulerbart.
SOFT Bio planteskål D25 H10 cm light nature


SOFT Bio dekoskål D20 H7 cm light nature


SOFT Bio miniskål D14 H6 cm light nature

SOFT Bio planteskål D25 H10 cm green


SOFT Bio dekoskål D20 H7 cm green


SOFT Bio miniskål D14 H6 cm green

TERRO Bio potte D18 H17 cm light nature


TERRO Bio potte D15 H14 cm light nature


TERRO Bio potte D18 H17 cm green


TERRO Bio potte D15 H14 cm green


Simple dish green D27 H3

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Simple bowl green L10 W20 H11

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Simple bowl green D37 H10.5

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Simple bowl green D25 H9

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Simple bowl green D20 H7.5

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Simple bowl rust D30 H10

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Simple bowl rust D25 H9

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Simple bowl rust D20 H7.5

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Simple bowl rustic green D20 H7.5

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom pot taupe D15 H15.5 - 15C

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom pot taupe D13 H12.5 - 12,5C

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl taupe D35 H9

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl taupe D28 H8

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl taupe D22 H7

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl taupe D16 H6

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom pot yellow D15 H15.5 - 15C

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom pot yellow D13 H12.5 - 12,5C

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl yellow D35 H9

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl yellow D28 H8

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl yellow D22 H7

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl yellow D16 H6

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom pot rose D13 H12.5 - 12,5C

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl rose D35 H9

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

Bloom bowl rose D28 H8

Recycled plastic planters and bowls offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options. Discover our Bloom and Simple series, available in various sizes, colors, and shapes-ideal for plants and flowers. Stylish & sustainable, they enhance any home

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